“Tragedy, Triumph and Tchaikovsky,” Jill Grande Goodsell’s story of her journey through life. It is a story of birth through adulthood filled with tragedy. It has a triumphant ending and is laced with glorious music. This is an incredible journey of a woman who was born into an abusive, violent, alcoholic childhood but who was destined to be a child prodigy. This is a story of a child prodigy who took care of her parents until the day they died. This is a story of a woman who married a man which resulted in her living in this nightmare of abuse and violence. Jill had her two children: one a beautiful boy; the other a girl who was (as a result of the incredible horror of prenatal abuse and violence) born profoundly retarded, severely brain-damaged and autistic with Grand-Mal seizures.
This is the story about a woman:
*who escaped
*who brought up two children by herself
*who became Teacher of the Year
*who pursued an opera career
*who taught thousands of students and made a difference in their lives
*who emerged from all of this as a loving, giving, forgiving human being who sought and intended to make a difference in the lives of all those whom she touched
This is the story of an amazing woman who was featured on Channel 7 as an outstanding person of the week in Los Angeles and who received an “Outstanding Citizen” award from the city council. This is the struggle of a woman to set an example against all odds for her children to follow.
Triumphantly, this is the story of a woman who broke the chains of violence and abuse in her family forever!
This story deserves to be – NEEDS to be – heard